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This domain is valued at $USD 100,000,000 with 99,219 contributors and members.

CTB token's current value is 0.1 USD.

You will earn $300.00 or 2912.62 tokens for this contribution. Contribute now.

Earn: 2912.62 - New Homepage Design

Create a new homepage UI Design for this site. Use any framework you are comfortable using.


Create a new homepage HTML for the assigned website. \
Specifically, you would be responsible for designing and coding the HTML for the website\\\'s homepage, using your skills and creativity to make it visually appealing and user-friendly.\

When you redesign the homepage, you can upload it on a platform where you can give us the link to view and approve this task.

  • Category: Programming
  • Task Creator : Catherine Hortillosa
  • Date Posted: Jan 30, 2024

Thanks for submitting your application.

Please wait for Task Creator's approval.
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  • Earn: 30.00
  • Category: Research
  • Task Creator : Contrib Team
  • Date Posted: Feb 07, 2016