Challenge Details

Code challenge

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Submit Your Framework For Partner-Distribution, Co-foundership and Passive Revenue

Challenge Details

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More Details

CODEChallenge is geared for coders, development companies that have created scripts and frameworks for public, commercial or private use that we could add to our array of frameworks that can be run on our Contrib builder.


  1. Submit your script/s to Code Challenge

  2. Enter a live demo url where we could view your script/framework in action.

  3. We approve you or your company in our Code Challenge

  4. We then create a Contrib installer using our developer sdk.(

  5. Contrib becomes your referral and vice versa, you will receive payment over any install.

  6. First live install should be free.

  7. You get featured as one of our partners in Contrib and the vertical you are related in.

  8. You will be co-founder for the first live install on the brand we both agree on.

It is a win-win-win situation for both of us and our partners. Is’nt it fun?

These are some of the specific types of entries that we want to see submitted. It could be a fork of an already created application or software or a totally new application in any of scalable frameworks - PHP or Ruby.

  • Clone of Squidoo or Hubpage - Content Directory - Viral article and autonomous curated news site where people could submit or create pages with ad sharing.

    • This could run these top brands.

      • - 2500 members

      • - 759 members

      • - 533 members

  • Affiliate Referral Portal - a viral affiliate community tool that allows a user to check out top affiliate programs within a specific referral program. - For eg.  -  top programs or products in clickbank

    • This could run these great brands



  • Clone of Twitter or a Micro-Chat Framework,Forum or Board - A chat/forum script that is simple, scalable, fun to setup and could turn into a chatroom for each topic. Embeddable into other sites or pages.

This framework could run these sites :

  • - 3679 members

  • - 970

  • Clone of JustinTV, Netflix, IMDB, Hulu, Youtube, or a Streaming Application that you own - A video streaming application or framework that should be free, could allow monetization from ads, internal or external and a small social community

    • This framework could run these sites




  • Clone of Linkedin, Facebook - Niche social network - This will allow  integration of Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook pages into a more comprehensive niche community network.

  • Clone of StackExchange,  Q&A Creator - A Q&A creator that allows anyone to create their own Q&A hub that can be embeddable in any site


What you will receive :        

  1. Over 40,000 Equity Points that could add to your convertible Equity Points.

  2. Revenue per Install

  3. Revenue Share.   

  4. Cofounder-ship Seats on Brands chosen to run your live demo

Submission in Schedule
Start: 2020-08-27
End: 2020-09-30
From: 2020-11-27
To: 2020-11-27
Announcement of Winners
Criteria for Judging

Grand Prize judging will be a panel of representatives from the ntechnology sector  selected by Contrib. The judges shall haven the sole authority and discretion to select the award recipient(s). The judges will grade entries using the following criteria:

  1. Quality of Framework (including design, implementation and quality); Each team must produce a link to a video of your App (no longer than 5 minutes) and at least one and no more than 5 screenshots of your team\'s App.

  2. Innovation of the Framework (including creativity and potential for engagement and virality);

  3. Presentation of the Framework to the Judges Panel (Teams are required to pitch their App to a panel of at least 3 judges. They should aim for this to take 5 minutes, after which, the judges will take up to 10 minutes to ask questions about the Framework).

How to Enter

Initial content

Official Challenge Hashtag


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How to Sponsor this Challenge

Learn how to sponsor and advertise your product or brand on our viral challenges.

Why sponsor challenges on

Sponsor a challenge or a set of challenges! In return you will get traffic, advertising, company and/or brand partnership with Global Ventures.

Lets get you setup

Head on to Sponsor Registration so you can start browsing and sponsoring the challenges you feel are in sync with your goals.

Easy Sponsorship

Click the sponsor link and our admin will contact you personally to setup your sponsorship incentives.

Submit Challenge


You can add one or more video links by providing the url of the video. This is not required but this may increase the validation of your application.
This is not required but this may increase the validation of your application. Enter the link of your online file.


Note: Please thoroughly check all the fields. Once it is submitted, you can not modify the data.