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DSL and the ISPs That Love It: There's Better Broadband in the Back-End of Crete

Ann Sheridan and Michael Sheridan are probably not related, but they share one thing in common: lousy DSL broadband. Michael Sheridan, who lives in Lewisburg, W.V., is the lead plaintiff in a dragged-out class action lawsuit against Frontier Communications in the state, alleging the phone company has engaged in marketing flim-flam promising lightning fast DSL Internet speeds many customers complain they just do not receive. Ann Sheridan is a university lecturer in Ireland who doesn’t enjoy her DSL service as much as she endures it, when it works. They live thousands of miles apart, but the problems are largely the same: for-profit phone companies trying to get as much revenue out of copper-based networks suitable for 20th century landlines while spending as little possible on broadband-friendly upgrades. http://stopthecap.com/2016/05/19/theres-better-broadband-back-end-crete-oversold-dsl-cheap-succeed/
posted in DSL by Lucille Conde Jun 22,2016 21:50 pm