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Developers are exposing their Git directories to the world

Git is a developer’s best friend… except when it’s not used properly and exposes a site’s security. The tool is used for version control. It tracks changes to code over time, so that multiple developers can work together efficiently and roll back if they need to. Git is also the core tool used to contribute to social coding site GitHub, though they aren’t the same thing. It’s a glorious tool and fairly straightforward to use, but has a steep learning curve, as most of the interactions you’ll have with it are through the command line. Git can also catch inexperienced developers off guard.http://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/07/27/a-simple-developer-error-is-exposing-private-information-on-thousands-of-websites/
posted in Directory/Guides by Lucille Conde Jun 22,2016 02:34 am