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This site is part of the Eurozone (EZ company limited) network of early stage ventures. Each EZ domain is being built into a business by a team of international entrepreneurs and marketers through our CRM sister platforms and Our head office is at Global Ventures LLC in Miami, Florida, so each new company is directly approved and guided by a group of very experienced investors and established serial entrepreneurs at our American HQ. The European offices of the Eurozone portfolio of start ups are being set up in different countries in 2016. It is easy to be part of a European team for one of our EZ ventures – do one of our challenges, get approved by head office and you can begin your entrepreneurial career. Join and become a self-starting entrepreneur by learning from an international team. Choose whether you want to be a Venture Leader, business development manager, social media adviser or marketer among many other roles in our world´s largest incubator! Become an investor by working for sweat equity: your Equity Points are pegged to a valuation that is transparently worked out through Global Ventures´ fund,, based in the USA but operating in different currencies. If you are a coder, take our coding challenge and once your code sample is approved, start working for equity in return for your programming. If you are a marketer or a designer, take our designchallenge or businesschallenge. For people who want to invest in a particular Eurozone start up, you can contribute capital and your equity stake in the new business will be immediately illustrated in our transparent pie chart of shareholders in that domain and early stage venture. Your equity stake is shown as Equity Points in our management system in the cloud – all documented clearly and transparently for other contrib members and equity shareholders in the company that you help to define, direct and shape over the short and long term. DISCLAIMER We are not an official representation of the Eurozone as an economic and trade organisation. TAB 2 EUROCHALLENGE.COM What do you know about the Eurozone? What do you know about the Eurozone? Do our quiz to test your knowledge. Answers can be found on 1. How many countries in the Eurozone? 2. How many of them belong to the European Union? 3. Are the EU and the Eurozone both trade agreements? 4. Were they created at the same time? 5. Do I need visas to travel through the Eurozone? 6. What is the population of the European Union including the EZ? 7. What is the balance of trade for the EU? 8. Which countries have applied to join the EU and the EZ? 9. How much money is spent from a Euro fund (link to in Brussels on research & development in the EU? 10. Does the Eurozone have a centralised financial system ? If you would like to find out more about the Eurozone, here are references from the European Parliament and the EU Information Centre in Brussels and Strasbourg. • European Council • Council of the European Union • European Commission • European Parliament • Court of Justice of the European Union • European Central Bank • Court of Auditors •

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